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Land & Water Stewards

Established 2017

About Us

The Land & Water Stewards branch strives to revive Iowa's lost or disappearing ecosystems and improve water quality throughout the state. Our outreach and education initiatives focus on proper land management practices, ecosystem revitalization, storm-water management, and pesticide reduction. Land & Water Steward members work directly with host sites across Iowa to carry out their environmental stewardship missions.


Members in this branch are trained as Local Champions for the Good Neighbor Iowa program. This program aims to reduce unnecessary urban pesticide use and to transform lawn culture to encourage appreciation of diverse lawns as a way to protect child health, water quality, pets, pollinators, and biodiversity. Members also complete a Save Our Streams certification through the Izaak Walton League of America to assist with monitoring of impaired waterways throughout the state.


Coordinator Roles

Our Land & Water Stewards coordinator roles vary widely between host sites. Because this branch of Green Iowa is incredibly broad, our staff work intuitively with our host sites to craft coordinator descriptions that mutually benefit each partner, and align with GIA's mission.


Land & Water Stewards can serve as anything from communication specialists, program coordinators, conservation leaders, and much more! 

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